Thursday, November 11, 2010
出自 MBA智库百科(
資本迴圈(circuit of capital)
* 1 什麼是資本迴圈
* 2 產業資本迴圈的三個階段
* 3 資本迴圈的職能形式及職能
* 4 資本迴圈的條件
* 5 資本迴圈理論對現代企業經營的啟示
Pm G-W <…P…W′-G′A
在資本迴圈中,購買原材料和銷售商品處於流通領域,儘管剩餘價值不是在這兩個過程生產,但卻是價值實現的過程。這一過程在企業生產經營中同樣具有重要的意義。現代企業要加速資本的迴圈,就要縮短流通時間、減少流通費用,搞好合同生產。作為世界第四大白色家電製造商、中國電子信息百強企業之首的海爾集團就十分重視流通環節。海爾集團在1998年推出“業務流程再造工程”,從採購和銷售兩個環節入手,將原有的各自採購統一為集團統一採購。僅此一項,在1999 年降低了5億元的採購成本,2001年又在1999年基礎上降低了10億。在買方市場條件下,一般買易賣難,海爾抓住這一特點,減少庫存面積和庫存量,在海爾開發區物流中心,其零配件倉庫庫存面積減少了32萬平方面積,原材料只有不到7天的庫存,成品在24小時內發往各配送中心。所以,海爾呆滯物質降低了 90%,減少了資金積壓。一般企業從接到訂單到組織採購、製造到配送全過程需要36天,海爾集團向速度要效益,只需10天時間,實現與商家之間現款現貨。目前海爾國內應收賬款幾乎為零。
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
2010 Top 10 Wealth Creators and Destroyers
Now in its third year, the wealth creation index developed by Chief Executive, The Applied Finance Group and Great Numbers!, attempts to identify those business leaders who have performed best in creating true economic value—as opposed to mere accounting value—as measured by GAAP metrics (click here to view complete list of companies and their respective rankings). Creating value is, after all, why CEOs do what they do. The WCI leans heavily on the concept of economic margin (EM). (EM measures the degree to which a company makes money in excess of its risk-adjusted cost of capital.) While there is no single metric that is perfect, EM comes close, in that it isn't dependent on share price in assessing management's impact on value creation. (The rankings do not include REITs among the S&P 500 and only assess companies whose CEO has been in the job for at least three years in order to get a fair appraisal of its actions under varying conditions.
click to enlarge
The past 12 months have not been an easy time to grow—or for companies with high levels of EM to maintain them. The more profitable a company is, the more difficult it is to maintain high levels of profitability when competitors step up and target market leaders. Some companies find that the "easy money"—high margins on a product or market—ultimately dries up. Also, if a business model is successful and a company is making healthy profits, it becomes a target.
Similarly, the regulatory environment can make it difficult for companies to maneuver. Both financial and healthcare companies have become the worst-performing sectors over the last 12 months. Even the well-managed ones struggle with maintaining past success. For example, Mastercard (MA), which led the rankings last year, couldn't maintain its change in EM momentum and slipped to No. 24, still a respectable score. Federated Investors (FII), however, has consistently stayed in the top three since the WCI's inception.
In entering the S&P 500 this year, (PCLN) vaulted to the top of this year's rankings. The company's EM had been dragged down in earlier years, but was consistently high in more recent years. It has also had tremendous success in moving its U.S. business model to international markets, with non-U.S. revenue doubling last year to top U.S. revenue. In addition, Priceline kept its operating costs in check, limiting them to 20 percent of year-on-year growth while pursuing an industry-leading growth in revenues of 27 percent. This allowed the firm to take market share from Expedia (EXPE), another high scorer. Because the company offers a commodity product in a cutthroat industry marked by extreme ease of entry, it's difficult to assess whether Priceline can maintain its high-wire act. CEO Jeffrey Boyd says,
The most important metric we use is gross bookings growth, which refers to the overall value of all the travel products we sell. The Internet and online travel are still in their infancy in many parts of the world. As a global business, our focus is on increasing overall sales and building our market share. We also look to maintain or improve our net operating margins so we can grow profitably. When interim results don't match expectations, our management team evaluates whether it is a supply, marketing or cost issue and makes adjustments accordingly.
As the online travel market grows more saturated it will be more difficult to differentiate. But Priceline enjoys a healthy balance sheet and has slightly less cash than debt, so it gets high marks for managing growth and profitability.
Other stellar wealth creators include Jeffrey Bezos of Amazon (AMZN) and Douglas Baker of Ecolab (ECL), both of whom return to the top 10 from last year, showing that strong execution skills translate into wealth-creating staying power. Daniel Amos of Aflac (AFL), Steve Jobs of Apple (AAPL), Ian Cook of Colgate-Palmolive (CL), John Wiehoff of C.H. Robinson Worldwide (CHRW) and Daniel Hambuger of DeVry (DV) return in 2010 among the high scorers. David Yost of Amerisource Bergen (ABC), Theodore Solso of Cummins (CMI), Gregory Johnson of Franklin Resources (BEN), Mark Templeton of Citrix Systems (CTXS), Chris Begley of Hospira (HSP) and James Rohr of PNC Financial (PNC) were among the leaders who advanced at least 100 positions in ranks since 2009.
Less stellar performances were logged by Windstream's (WIN) Jeffrey Gardner, ConAgra's (CAG) Gary Rodkin and FirstEnergy's (FE) Anthony Alexander, who are all among those who dropped more than 100 places since last year.
Ranking CEO Wealth Creation
The top 50 companies in the ranking delivered an average total shareholder return (TSR) of 73.3 percent between January 2007 and June 2010
The ranking focuses on the performance of companies (and their CEOs) in the S&P 500 index for the three years that ended on June 30, 2010. It's based on reported results during that period and estimates for the next 12 months.
CEOs whose tenure did not cover the full three years were not ranked. Also not ranked are the 14 REITs in the 2010 S&P 500 and the companies for which a full three years of financial results were not available.
The four components of the ranking, explained below, were developed and calculated by the Applied Finance Group (AFG), an independent equityresearch advisory firm using proprietary metrics and data. A weighted combination of each company's component rankings is used to produce an overall score: 100 is awarded to the best wealth creator; 1 to the worst. (The list itself casts these scores as a sequential ranking.) The component rankings are shown as letter grades with companies in the top 20 percent of each sector receiving an A; the bottom 20 percent receiving an F.
Market (or Enterprise) Value/Invested Capital (MV/IC)
This measure shows the degree to which investors value the company's assets, relative to their cost. Market value is what a buyer would have to pay to buy the company outright; that is, to purchase all the stock and pay off all the loans, leases and other obligations. Note that market value depends on the stock price. Invested capital is the inflation-adjusted total of all of the investments in the business. It does not depend on the stock price. So by its nature, MV/IC reflects the market's take on the value of the investments made in the business.
The Average of the Past Three Years' Economic Margins
Economic margin (EM) measures the degree to which the company is making money in excess of its risk-adjusted capital cost. It's expressed as a percentage of invested capital. EM is calculated as (operating cash flow - capital charge)/invested capital. Companies with positive EM (greater than 0 percent) are creating wealth; those with negative EM are destroying it.
EM Change
This is a 12-month forecast, based on the ratio of the most recent EM to the three-year average.
Management Quality
This AFG-proprietary measure rewards a company with positive EM for increasing its asset base, and penalizes one with negative EM for growing its asset base. In other words, if a company is making money and it adds assets in such a way that it can make even more, that's good. So is selling off a money-losing division. That said, it's also valid that adding scale can dramatically increase profitability in a business with high fixed costs.
A Validity Check on the Ranking Method
The top 50 companies in the ranking delivered an average total shareholder return (TSR) of 73.3 percent between January 2007 and June 2010 (the period covered in the reported financials). The bottom 50 companies' TSR averaged -3.4 percent, while the S&P 500's average was 14.9 percent (without its 14 REITs). The top 50's median TSR was 33 percent; the bottom 50's was 9.5 percent.
As the table above shows, the top 50 companies in the wealth-creation ranking far outperformed the bottom 50 companies and the S&P 500. Note: Total shareholder return equals share-price return plus reinvested dividends.
Click here to view complete list of companies and their respective rankings
How to Move Up in the Rankings
In publishing this list, Chief Executive aims to show CEOs both where they stand with respect to their peers (awareness being the mother of improvement) and to make clear how to go about improving one's standing. Improvement will require several actions that the company's CEO, division heads and general managers can take:
At the corporate level:
• Use EM to measure wealth creation throughout the company.
• Manage your portfolio of businesses from a wealth-creation perspective. This includes opportunity sensing—entering lucrative or fast-growing businesses, as well as putting businesses making sub-par contributions into other hands or shuttering them. Set the contribution hurdle rate to maximize economic-value creation.
• Ensure that the company's capital structure is right. This affects the capital charge and invested capital. Equity is more expensive than debt, but too much debt can kill a company.
• Avoid overpaying for acquisitions or buying back stock at its peaks.
At the business unit level:
The general managers of businesses need to find the best things they can do to boost operating results. (See "Leading Your Business to Maximum Results" (CE Jan/Feb 2008).
At all levels:
Get all you can out of your assets. Example: large software companies (IBM, Oracle (ORCL) and others) have been acquiring other software firms so that their sales forces, which are major leverageable assets, have more offerings to sell to customers. Include all of your intangible assets, not just intellectual property, in your thinking. Work hard to create and improve customers' feelings about your company and its offerings, the promises your brands represent, your value propositions, etc. (For more, see "The Economic Stimulus Package Inside Every Business," CE Online Jan/Feb 2009, and "Do Intangibles Matter?", CE July/August 2008).
Finally, manage internal and external risks across the company and its aggregate risk-reward profile by taking a wide-angle lens to what could happen.
—Drew Morris
Disclosure: None
About the author: Value Expectations
夏末的合声 (夏の终わりのハーモニー)
今日のささやきと 昨日の争う声が 二人だけの恋のハーモニー
梦もあこがれも どこか违っているけど それが仆と君のハーモニー
今天的甜言蜜语, 昨日的争争吵吵, 都是二人世界的合声
梦想和憧憬 多少有些不同 但这是我们两个人吧
夜空をたださまようだけ 谁よりもあなたが好きだから
素敌な梦 あこがれを いつまでもずっと忘れずに
了望著夜空 旁徨著星光 我曾经那样爱著你 胜过任何人
即使我俩分开 也请别忘记 属於你的梦想和憧憬 永远永远
今夜のお别れに 最后の二人の歌は 夏の夜を饰るハーモニー
夏夜的合声 就是今晚我们分别前 最后的一首歌
夜空をたださまようだけ 星屑のあいだを揺れながら
二人の梦 あこがれを いつまでも ずっと思い出に
真夏の梦 あこがれを いつまでも ずっと忘れずに
了望著夜空 摇曳在星光碎片之中
我俩曾有的梦和憧憬 都会是宝贵的回忆
真夏的梦和憧憬 也请你 不要忘却 永远永远
井上陽水・安全地帯 (玉置浩二) -
Mr. Lonely
Tonight 夜が
Tonight 热い
あなたは 心の中に
いま 何をみるの
悲しくさせるなら みつめない
あなたの绮丽な瞬きに Goodbye
Tonight 梦は
あなたに あげられるのは
もう ぬくもりだけ
ふたりでいるために ひとりきり
悲しくさせるなら みつめない
あなたの绮丽な瞬きに Goodbye
悲しくさせるなら みつめない
あなたのその绮丽な瞬きに Goodbye
あなたの绮丽な瞬きに Good night
梦の続き (continuous dream)
梦の続きは こもれび 静(しず)かなあなたの 瞳(ひとみ)
远(とお)くで ピアノ が きこ えてる 青(あお)い
てちょうに はさんだ 真夏(まなつ)の ふたりの 写真(しゃしん)
やさしい 気持(きもち)が 风(かぜ) に なるとき
あなたが いる から いつも 暖(あたた)かい から
大切(たいせつ) なこ とが よく わ かる
夕暮(ゆうぐ)れ 思(おも)い出(で) 禁烟 の ゆびわ 捜(さが)した
あなたに にあった それだけで
あのひ そろい の ぼうし は どんな 町角(まちかど) に いても
一(ひと)つに 広(ひろ)がる 空(そら)を 知(し)って いた
あなたが いるから 今(いま)でも まぶしいから
寂(さみ)しかった 日々(ひび)も 忘(わす)れてく
Refrain 3:
あなたが いるから いつも 暖(あたた)かい から
何(なに)より も やさしく 暮(く)らしたい
Refrain 4:
どれほど 季节(きせつ) が どれほど めぐり来(き)ても
楽(たの)しかった 日々(ひび) を 忘(わす)れない
夢のつづきは こもれ陽
遠くで ピア-ノが 聞こえてる
あおい 手帖に はさんだ ま夏の二人の しゃしん
優しい 氣持ちが 風になる時
貴方がいるから いつも暖かいから
大切な事が よく分かる
夕暮れ 思い出 記念の指輪 探した
貴方に 似合った それだけで
あの日 そろいの星は
どんな町角に いても 一つに ひろがる空を知っていた
貴方が いるから いまでも まぶしいから
淋しかった 日日を 忘れてく
あなたが いるから いつも暖かいから
何より優しく 暮らしたい
どれほど 季節が どれほど めぐり來ても
樂しかった日日を 忘れない
Monday, November 8, 2010
Priceline Earnings: Likely to Beat Estimates, But May Disappoint on Revenue
click to enlarge
However, the $973.63 million in revenue may be hard to beat or meet based on last year’s 2nd to 3rd quarter as shown in the chart above.
That said, I would carefully watch PCLN. The odds are high that it will beat, but may disappoint on revenue. If it does beat, the stock has averaged a 15% jump in one day. However, even if it does miss, you can buy more shares. It is very likely that the stock will go higher in the long run.
Disclosure: None
About Michael Bryant
move to top
move up
move down
Investor. Mission: Help people make money. Degree: Chemistry from NC State University.
Over the last 9 years, I am 7-2. Over the 7 years, I was up 130%, 29%, 15%, 3%, 19%, 25%, 56% from 2001-2007 respectively. 2008 and 2009 were down years for me, averaging about a 39% annual loss.
I invest in all stocks. I don't agree that US stocks are the safest. Want a safe stock, try TEVA. It did not fall much, or at all, during the credit crisis. And generics are the future.
Anybody can make money. Don't let Wall Street analysts manipulate you. There analysis is good, but don't take everything they say.
Good luck investing, and I will do everything I can to make you money.
Oh, and I ...More invest in rather risky stocks with high potentials. If you are nearing retirement, I don't recommend you copy my portfolio. I will label my stocks with the risk/reward factor. I am adding a watch list with some stocks for retirement investors that I like. All watch list stocks are long term holdings.
Current holdings:
CCME (high risk/high reward)
URRE (high risk/high reward)
Watch list:
LVS (medium risk/high reward)
SAM (medium risk/high reward)
CMG (medium risk/high reward)
ZNH (medium risk/high reward)
RDY (medium risk/high reward)
YZC (low risk/high reward)
CF (low risk/high reward)
QCOR (low risk/high reward)
NVO (low risk/high reward)
BIDU (low risk/high reward)
PCLN (low risk/high reward)
CLF (low risk/medium reward)
AAPL (low risk/medium reward)
GOOG (low risk/medium reward)
TEVA (low risk/medium reward)
CIM (low risk/medium reward) - dividend stock
TNH (low risk/medium reward) - dividend stock
GOL (low risk/medium reward) - dividend stock
SID (low risk/medium reward) - dividend stock
WTU (high risk/high reward) - dividend stock
Friday, October 29, 2010
How Do I Find Short Interest for a Stock?
Where do you find the percentage of shorts in the float of a stock? - D.
I'm a big believer in the importance of investors knowing all about the short position in a stock before making a purchase. I'm going to answer D's question first, and then explain what the percentage of shorts in the float of a stock is and why it's important. I'm also going to assume that readers know what it means to take a short position in a stock, and understand what it means when I say that a certain number of shares of a stock are being "shorted." (If you need a quick refresher on shorting, or "short-selling," check out Stocks: Shorting.)
Where You Can Find Short Interest Data
You can find data regarding the short position in a stock in a number of places. A good place to start is, which provides short interest data for stocks listed on the Nasdaq, as well as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the American Stock Exchange (Amex). The site is particularly helpful because it provides short interest data for each of the past 12 months, so you can see if the short position in a stock has been increasing or decreasing over the past year. However, only provides the number of shares shorted each month, as opposed to the "percentage of shorts in the float of a stock" that D. is looking for.
Where You Can Find the 'Percentage of Shorts in the Float of a Stock'
The easiest place to find this information is by putting a ticker into Yahoo! Finance and clicking on the "Key Statistics" link. Scroll down a bit and look at the right column under "Share Statistics" -- here you'll find the most recent data for:
* Number of shares shorted
* Short ratio
* Short position as a percentage of the float
* Number of shares shorted during the previous month
The number of shares shorted should be the same as the information from
The short ratio, also referred to as "days to cover," is an expression of how large the total short position is in a stock relative to the average daily volume.
The short position as a percentage of the float is the information that D. is looking for. This percentage expresses the number of shares shorted divided by the "float" (Float Defined float), or number of total shares that are free to be traded by the investing public.
f the percentage of shorts in a stock were to hit 100% that would mean that every single available share of a stock had been sold and would have to be bought back before being available to be sold again. (Note: In reality, 100% would be effectively impossible to see, but it is useful to explain this concept.)
Motivated Buyers
Anyone who takes a short position in a stock is entering an interesting situation: In order to exit the position, he or she has to "cover" or buy back the shares that are being shorted. So if a stock has a very high percentage of its shares being shorted, it means that there are more investors who need to buy shares at some point, whether the stock goes up or down.
This is interesting because those who have already taken a short position need those who own the stock (or are "long") to sell their shares and push the price lower.
When Good News Is Actually Bad News
If a company comes out with positive news and more investors want to buy a stock -- pushing the price higher -- those with short positions can rack up losses quickly. For this reason, stocks with high short ratios are more prone to a big upward move, called a "short squeeze," in which what would have been a smaller rise in the share price is exacerbated by short covering, as those who are "short a stock" panic and buy back shares to cut their losses. (In November 2006, I wrote about a short squeeze in Crocs (CROX_) -- A Tight Fit for Crocs' Shorts.)
Short Percentages in 'Safer' Stocks
Large-cap blue-chip stocks tend to have an extremely low short position relative to their float. This is due to a number of factors, including the sheer amount of stock that is being held my mutual funds and other institutions, as well as the simple fact that anyone looking for a stock that could go down significantly will generally not be interested in these stocks, which are safer and significantly correlated to the broad economy.
Think of it this way: If something were to happen to push General Electric down 10% or more, there are much more risky stocks out there that would go down a lot more on that day. Here are some well-known blue chips and the recent short position as a percentage of the float:
'Safer' Stocks and Their Short Positions
General Electric (GE) 0.2%
Coca-Cola (KO) 0.4%
Anheuser Busch (BUD) 0.6%
Wal-Mart (WMT) 0.7%
Microsoft (MSFT) 0.9%
McDonald's (MCD) 1.2%
Google (GOOG) 1.6%
Short Percentages in 'Riskier' Stocks
You'll find higher short percentages in riskier stocks. There are a number of reasons for an investor or trader to take a big short position in a stock. Some may think a stock has gone up too much and is set for a fall, while others may see a struggling company with a falling stock and are willing to bet that it will go down further. Some simply believe that the valuation for a stock is too high, while some are predicting an earnings shortfall in the near future.
There's no "typical" percentage for investors to compare a stock to, but the list below shows a number of companies, some good and some bad, and the recent short position as a percentage of the float:
'Riskier' Stocks and Their Short Positions
Amgen (AMGN) 2.4%
Marvell Technology (MRVL) 3.9%
Akamai (AKAM) 5.9%
Whole Foods (WFMI) 7.5%
XM Satellite Radio (XMSR) 9.7%
Ford (F) 10.2% (AMZN) 14.9%
Palm (PALM) 18.6%
Under Armour (UA) 28.0%
NutriSystem (NTRI) 33.2%
Crocs (CROX) 35.2%
* Add Comment
Sunday, January 24, 2010
朱德庸放牛吃草 獨子建中台大
馮曼倫說,關鍵點在國中。朱重威原本讀公立國中,但她發現學校的政策是把每個人都當最後一名的學生來教,兒子上課輕鬆、卻學不到東西。夫妻花了很長時間告 訴他,若想成為自己想成為的人,必須培養什麼樣的競爭力。朱重威想了很久,決定轉學到壓力大的私立國中。後來他考上建中、甄試上台大昆蟲系,統統都是他自 己設定目標。
朱德庸說,兒子國、高中成績都不算理想,卻總能在最後關頭衝刺成功、念到心中的「第一志願」。「他總是比別人花更多時間確定目標,花更多時間尋找自己達到 目標的方式;但只要找到了,他就可以比別人更快到達。」朱德庸說,這是因為夫妻倆從小就教導兒子「做自己、為自己負責!」
我的爸爸是任何人都會引以為榮的人。 他是位名律師,精通國際法,客戶全是大公司,因此收入相當好。 可是他卻常常替弱勢團體服務,替他們提供免費的服務。不僅如此也,他每週都有一天會去勵德補習班去替那些青少年受刑人補習功課,每次高中放榜的時候,他都會很緊張地注意有些受刑人榜上是否有名。 他的思路永遠是如此合乎邏輯,以至我從小就學會了他的那一套思維方式,也難怪每次我發言時常常會思路很清晰,老師們當然一直都喜歡我。 爸爸的書房裡放滿了書,一半是法律的,另一半是文學的,爸爸鼓勵我看那些經典名著。 我隱隱約約地感覺到爸爸要使我成為一位非常有教養的人,在爸爸的這種刻意安排之下,再笨的孩子也會有教養的。 爸爸來了,他的黑色大轎車直接開進了操場,爸爸和他的司機走下來抱我,我這才注意到司機也同樣穿著黑色的西裝,我得意得不得了,有這麼一位爸爸,真是幸福的事。 我提起社會公義的問題,爸爸沒有和我辯論,只說社會該講公義,更該講寬恕。他說:我們都有希望別人寬恕我們的可能'。 我想起爸爸也曾做過法官,就順口問他有沒有判個任何人死刑 ? 他簡直變成了老闆娘的奴工,在盛怒之下,打死了老闆娘。我是主審法官,將他判了死刑。 事 後,這位犯人在監獄裡信奉了宗教,從各種跡象來看,他已是個好人,因此我四處去替他求情,希望他能得到特赦,免於死刑,可是沒有成功。他被判刑以後,太太 替他生了個活潑可愛的兒子,我在監獄探訪他的時候,看到了這個初生嬰兒的照片,想到他將成為孤兒,也使我傷感不已,由於他已成另一個好人,我對我判的死刑 痛悔不已。 他臨刑之前,我收到一封信。 我有一個不情之請,請你照顧我的兒子,使他脫離無知和貧窮的環境,讓他從小就接受良好的教育,求求你幫助他成為一個有教養的人,再也不能讓他像我這樣,糊裡糊塗地浪費了一生。 XXX敬上 我對這個孩子大為好奇,爸爸你怎麼樣照顧他的孤兒,爸爸說:我收養了他。 一瞬間,世界全變了。 這不是我的爸爸,他是殺我爸爸的兇手,子報父仇,殺人者死。 我跳了起來,只要我輕輕一推,爸爸就會粉身碎骨地跌到懸崖下面去。 可是我的親生父親已經寬恕了判他死刑的人,坐在這裡的,是個好人,他對他自已判人死刑的事情,始終耿耿於懷,我的親生父親悔改以後,仍被處決,是社會的錯,我沒有權利再犯這種錯誤。 如果我的親生父親在場,他會希望我怎麼辦 ? 爸爸站了起來,我看到他眼旁的淚水,兒子,謝謝你,沒有想到你這麼快就原諒了我。 我發現我自己的眼光也因淚水而有點模糊,可是我的話卻非常清晰 :「爸爸,我是你的兒子,謝謝你將我養大成人。」 而我呢?我自已覺得我又高大、又強壯,我已長大了。 只有成熟的人,才會寬恕別人,才能享受到寬恕以後而來的平安,小孩子是不會懂這些的。 我的親生父親,你可以安息了。 你的兒子已經長大成人, 我今天所做的事,一定是你所喜歡的 。 還記得小時候一件轟動社會的山地青年殺死雇主的案子嗎? 如 果我沒記錯,那位山地青年應該叫做湯英申,純樸的山地青年來到繁華的台北打工,碰了惡劣的雇主,不僅壓榨勞力還剝奪自由,在受盡各種不平等的待遇後,選擇 了採取最激烈的行動以示抗議,雖然手段並不正確,但卻情有可原,死刑或能嚇阻犯罪,但對於一個走投無路且深具悔意的人來說或許太沉重了,雖然社會各界的呼 籲請求,希望獲得特赦,但仍免不了這樣的結局,故事的結局雖然令人遺憾;但事隔近二十年後,卻有如此令人驚喜的發展,這不為人知的一幕,包含了多少的寬容 與救贖,我想這就是所謂的大愛吧!
我蹲了下來,輕輕地對爸爸說:「爸爸,天快黑 了,我們回去吧!媽媽在等我們。」